Does a Bell inequality violation imply irrealism?
Paulo H B Silva, Ana C S Costa, Renato M Angelo -
Four interacting spins: Addition of angular momenta, spin–spin correlation functions, and entanglement
Raimundo R. dos Santos, Lucas Alves Oliveira, Natanael C. Costa -
Quantum violations of joint reality
R. A. Caetano, R. M. Angelo -
Half-filled extended Hubbard model on a square lattice: Phase boundaries from determinant quantum Monte Carlo simulations
Sebastião dos Anjos Sousa-Júnior, Natanael C. Costa, Raimundo R. dos Santos -
Two-time quantities as elements of physical reality
Lucas Maquedano, Alexandre D. Ribeiro, Ana C.S. Costa, Renato M. Angelo -
Axiomatic Approach to Measures of Total Correlations
Gabriel L. Moraes, Renato M. Angelo, Ana C. S. Costa -
Optimal rectification in the ultrastrong coupling regime
T. Werlang, M. A. Marchiori, M. F. Cornelio, D. Valente -
Partial nonseparability of spin-orbit modes
V S Lamego, D G Braga, L S Oliveira, W F Balthazar, J A O Huguenin -
Mach–Zehnder interferometer with quantum beamsplitters
N. Almeida, T. Werlang, D. Valente -
Universal quantum gates for path photonic qubit
R. C. Souza, W. F. Balthazar, J. A. O. Huguenin -
Spin-orbit maximally discordant mixed states
D. G. Braga, I. Fonseca, W. F. Balthazar, M. S. Sarandy, J. A. O. Huguenin -
Quantum power boost in a nonstationary cavity-QED quantum heat engine
A V Dodonov, D Valente, T Werlang -
Fluctuation theorems for genuine quantum mechanical regimes
T. A. B. Pinto Silva, R. M. Angelo -
Kaleidoscope of phases tuned by global dipole orientations in the Hubbard model
Tiago Mendes-Santos, Rubem Mondaini, Thereza Paiva, Raimundo R. dos Santos -
Enhancing nonclassical properties of quantum states of light using linear optics
E. P. Mattos, A. Vidiella-Barranco
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