
    1 a 15 de 67 Preprints encontradas

  • Bell nonlocality using tensor networks and sparse recovery
    I. S. Eliëns, S. G. A. Brito, R. Chaves
  • Williamson theorem in classical, quantum, and statistical physics
    F. Nicacio

    The objective of this text is to present (and encourage the use of) the Williamson theorem and its consequences in several contexts in physics. The demonstration of the theorem is performed using only basic concepts of linear algebra and symplectic matrices. The immediate application is to place the study of small oscillations in the Hamiltonian scenario, where the theorem shows itself as a useful and practical tool for revealing the normal-mode coordinates and frequencies of the system. A modest introduction of the symplectic formalism in quantum mechanics is presented, which consequently opens up the use of the theorem to study quantum normal modes and quantum small oscillations, allowing the theorem to be applied to the canonical distribution of thermodynamically stable systems described by quadratic Hamiltonians. As a last example, a more advanced topic concerning uncertainty relations is developed to show once more its utility in a distinct and modern perspective.

  • Semi-device-independent certification of entanglement in superdense coding
    George Moreno, Ranieri Nery, Carlos de Gois, Rafael Rabelo, Rafael Chaves
  • Monogamy of temporal correlations: Witnessing non-Markovianity beyond data processing
    Matheus Capela, Lucas C. Céleri, Kavan Modi, Rafael Chaves
  • Approximating Invertible Maps by Recovery Channels: Optimality and an Application to Non-Markovian Dynamics
    Lea Lautenbacher, Fernando de Melo, Nadja K. Bernardes
  • Satellite-Based Photonic Quantum Networks Are Small-World
    Samuraí Brito, Askery Canabarro, Daniel Cavalcanti, Rafael Chaves
  • Minkowski structure for purity and entanglement of Gaussian bipartite states
    Marcos C. de Oliveira, Fernando Nicacio, Salomon S. Mizrahi
  • QBoost for regression problems: solving partial differential equations
    Caio B. D. Góes, Thiago O. Maciel, Giovani G. Pollachini, Rafael Cuenca, Juan P. L. C. Salazar, Eduardo I. Duzzioni
  • Causal inference with imperfect instrumental variables
    Nikolai Miklin, Mariami Gachechiladze, George Moreno, Rafael Chaves
  • Quantifying Causal Influences in the Presence of a Quantum Common Cause
    Mariami Gachechiladze, Nikolai Miklin, Rafael Chaves
  • Genuine Multipartite Correlations in a Boundary Time Crystal
    Antônio C. Lourenço, Luis Fernando dos Prazeres, Thiago O. Maciel, Fernando Iemini, Eduardo I. Duzzioni
  • Quantum violation of local causality in urban network with hybrid photonic technologies
    Gonzalo Carvacho, Emanuele Roccia, Mauro Valeri, Francesco Basso Basset, Davide Poderini, Claudio Pardo, Emanuele Polino, Lorenzo Carosini, Michele B. Rota, Julia Neuwirth, Saimon F. Covre da Silva, Armando Rastelli, Nicolò Spagnolo, Rafael Chaves, Rinaldo Trotta, Fabio Sciarrino
  • Semidefinite Tests for Quantum Network Topologies
    Johan Åberg, Ranieri Nery, Cristhiano Duarte, Rafael Chaves
  • Landauer vs. Nernst: What is the True Cost of Cooling a Quantum System?
    Philip Taranto, Faraj Bakhshinezhad, Andreas Bluhm, Ralph Silva, Nicolai Friis, Maximilian P. E. Lock, Giuseppe Vitagliano, Felix C. Binder, Tiago Debarba, Emanuel Schwarzhans, Fabien Clivaz, and Marcus Huber
  • Experimental test of quantum causal influences
    Iris Agresti, Davide Poderini, Beatrice Polacchi, Nikolai Miklin, Mariami Gachechiladze, Alessia Suprano, Emanuele Polino, Giorgio Milani, Gonzalo Carvacho, Rafael Chaves, Fabio Sciarrino